What Was the Deal With the Nationwide Super Bowl Ad? – Channel Surfing Podcast

Eric Goldman and Roth Cornet discuss the Super Bowl commercials and the oddity of the Nationwide ad and its now infamous dead kid.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Misfits of Bull Bay - SURFER

Along Jamaica’s impoverished southern coast, Billy “Mystic” Wilmot and his sons have built an unlikely surf community and pioneered many of the island’s best…

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50 pensamientos en “What Was the Deal With the Nationwide Super Bowl Ad? – Channel Surfing Podcast

  1. After the death of inside gaming, I am forced to come here for news

  2. I think you misinterpreted the message. People are appalled for mainly two
    reasons: the tonal shift and the fact that the kid was talking about his
    own death. Nationwide isn’t out to scare parents into buying their product;
    they’re offering a scenario where one family was given life insurance too
    late, more like a warning to be prepared for the unknown. They *aren’t*
    saying, «If you don’t get life insurance, your child will drown himself in
    the tub» as you were suggesting.

  3. People are over reacting. Its ridiculous to be honest. They act as if the
    kid died on camera or some shit. It was just acting people, he is alive
    stop being so dramatic about everything. Its a commercial for insurance,
    what do you expect?

  4. What is wrong with their commercial? It was good, it’s not like they
    stabbed a kid and looked into the camera.

  5. Hmmmm!… Everybody is talking about the NATIONWIDE commercial… Looks
    like it is a win…

  6. There is something I don’t understand, can someone please clarify? The
    Super Bowl is about American football, but why is everyone talking about
    the ads and not the actual sport itself? I mean in football EVERYONE talks
    about the games.

  7. The only problem i have with this is the insurance part. No amount of
    insurance can ever help these kinds of accidents. You can’t stop them or
    prevent them no matter how hare you try because the truth is is was an
    accident. The people who care for the child will blame themselves and that
    enough. People are saying take better care of your children and these
    things wouldn’t happen. I found myself asking are you a provider for a
    child someone you love? If so you will know how tired you can suddenly be
    and in that second you fall asleep only unknowingly for a few minutes
    before you jerk up and realize its to quiet or if one child was coloring in
    the living room and you other child was out there on the playset swinging
    and fell off you herd him cry and checked on your other child before
    running out side to make sure he was ok and carried him in to get a bandage
    but the tv was making a funny sound and so you went and looked and a
    horrific accident had happened. Their is nothing you can do to prevent
    accidents like this because they happen in a second and they are truly

  8. Where the F was the batman vs superman commercial!!!!!!!,???????

  9. Personally I thought the Pierce Brosnan one was pretty funny.

  10. get rid of roth , she is such a miserable bitch , i h8 her

  11. This commercial sucked, i fuckin hate when companies try to make their ads
    «emotionally powerful» or sensative. No im not interested in started
    conversation, just show me what your selling and I’ll buy it if I like it.
    The ads during this years Superbowl tried to be to edgy, tacking gender
    stereotypes and other dumb shit rather than selling a product

  12. I will say that Nationwide commercial soon became the most unintentionally
    funny ad of the night when you soon think how many other things they
    MUST’VE cut out of it.

  13. They didn’t even air the GoDaddy commercial about the puppy being sold
    online because of so many complaints from people who already saw it online.
    This country is turning into one big stinking pussy.

  14. Watching too much Mindy Kaling could lead to suicide. She really is the
    most annoying person on the entire fucking planet.

  15. I don’t get what the commercial is trying to sell. Are they saying that you
    need to buy insurance to keep your kid from dying? Or that HEY your kid can
    die at any moment , better but some insurance.

  16. This commercial didn’t make me sad or anything, it was just stupid. And
    then theres the other shitty feminist commercial 

  17. I was watching this with my nephew and I’m like, «see that’s what cooties
    look like,» then wtf DEAD KID.. ffs

  18. All that should be pointed out is big banks trying to make
    sentimental/emotional ads lol

  19. I like what Ya’ll doing I have thought about it before

  20. It was clearly the Twin Peaks year of Super Bowl commercials!

  21. nobody wants the depressing truth

    put Katey Perry and the dancing sharks back on!!

  22. The Mountain Dew commercial was retarded 

  23. that Fiat 500 commercial comparing the upgrade to viagra was weird.That
    glue ad was retarded.

    I like the Nissan ad even thought the dad was racing in 2014 car when the
    kid was a baby and when the kid is a tennager the dad is driving 2015
    Nissan car. 


  25. That moment when you realize that kid was dead the entire time lmao

  26. Surf Jamaican Style

  27. what’s the name of their band and do they have recorded songs? Im a
    musician (primiarily bassist)/Surfer and this is the ultimate lifestyle,
    and he is playing a mighty fine 6 string bass!

  28. Misfits of Bull Bay – SURFER: http://youtu.be/ZxfTCki7020

  29. what? how can you give this video a «thumbs down»?!

  30. I used to Live in Bull Bay and watching this brings forward the memories ~
    even watching the ships go by on the horizons~ I am happy that this is
    happening ~ Surfing and Music Great combo

  31. Anyone know the location at 4:30? Looks like there might be some good rock
    climbing around there.

  32. I remember drive thru… Billy was telling Taylor Steele, Donavan, Pat, &
    others to keep there surf spot a secret. He didn’t want Jamaica to be a
    surf destination. I guess the secret is out. 

  33. stoked life

  34. I and I like dis one mon. Wicked keyboard too!

  35. Surf Jamaican Style

  36. Surf Jamaican Style

  37. anybody knows the song played in minute 4:35 ? thank you so much. bless!

  38. What a great little wave and the water color looks amazing.

  39. Pablo Ortiz, the song is Run Run Run by Delroy Wilson

  40. Song 5:10?? Pleaseee!!!

  41. Looks like the funnest peak on earth. Great vid.

  42. Surf Jamaican Style

  43. awesome!!!!!!!

  44. Surf Jamaican Style

  45. Misfits of Bull Bay – SURFER: http://youtu.be/ZxfTCki7020

  46. Misfits of Bull Bay – SURFER: http://youtu.be/ZxfTCki7020

  47. Misfits of Bull Bay – SURFER: http://youtu.be/ZxfTCki7020

  48. Surf Jamaican Style

  49. Misfits of Bull Bay – SURFER: http://youtu.be/ZxfTCki7020

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