This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing

CLICK for more from their scientific surf trip: Scientists and Surfers travel to Mexico to test technology in hope of improving athlete…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Alana Surfer Girl (Season 3, episode 5): Pro surfer Alana Blanchard opens up about her relationship with Australian pro surfer Jack Freestone—how they met, t…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 pensamientos en “This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing

  1. that technology is unbelievable 

  2. Surfing’s originally for fun, take your bullshit and fuck off to a beach
    where it won’t annoy anyone, If I see a drone hovering above my head i’ll
    smash it when I come in.

  3. Thanks Red Bull! We’re excited Trace is helping your athletes improve their
    performance. Honored to be part of this project.

    – Team Trace

  4. This is really cool and all… but I think the soul of action sports comes
    from the pure talent, adrenaline, and practice of these dope individuals.
    Any amount of technology won’t substantially progress the sport itself. The
    people are what make the sports crazier and crazier and crazier… with no
    technology that is. 

  5. *Scientists, Surfing, Tech, and Data* (Lots of cool tech)
    *See all the different types of data scientists can collect from surfing!*

    It is the age of data. Whether it be your Google search data or how your
    brain waves look when *surfing.* These scientists are collecting data to
    help improve the sport of surfing. In fact we may see more in depth data
    collection across more sports in the near future.

    *From Red Bull Surf Science Project*:

    «The goal of the Red Bull Surf Science project is not to revolutionize the
    way we approach surfing, or even try to elevate it to next level, instead
    the objective is to further the technology that is being developed, and
    test it in the harshest conditions possible. If we can get this technology
    to work and produce credible results, we’ll be able to take key learnings
    and hopefully improve athlete performance, not only in the water but with
    other sports as well.»

    #surfing #technology #data #coolvideo

    Via +Red Bull 

  6. How bout they show some more results like come on. I want to see the foot
    pressure on cut backs and airs 

  7. Dude found this Kid named Justin Louden pretty good content very cool.
    Check him out guys

  8. What happened to Josh Moniz’s pec?

  9. Pretty amazing what they can capture and track and then improve based on
    the data. Of course there are some gotchas like if everybody has their own
    drone filming them I can just image how it starts raining drones when they

  10. I can’t even express how pointless this «science» was. I can’t think of a
    single thing done here that improved surfing, except maybe putting some
    money into these kids’ pockets so they can surf more which is all they care
    about. Watching replays encourages self critique which hinders competitor
    performance. If you want science focus on performance diets, paddling
    strength training to win paddle battles, and better boards, shorts, and
    wetsuits. All of this technology serves no significant purpose. Typical Red
    Bull nonsense. Throw money at a half-baked idea just to promote your
    company. Great.

  11. Definitely not what surfing’s all about but I guess its cool for the pro

  12. Thanks Red Bull, it was great to be a part of this project! We really hope
    that our technology will help athletes to analyze and improve their

    AirDog team

  13. i used to be one of those 13 year old kids who was good at stuff and just
    wanted to play sports all day, awesome to see that some of those kids are
    going pro before 18 and actually doing what i wanted to do when i was their

  14. i don’t see all this necessary, surfing will loss it’s magic. scientist
    should look for a way to clean the polluted waters, for example…or try to
    bring artificial surf to the cities with no sea..but all that technology
    right there has no propose at all. What’s the point on measuring facts we
    all can realize? choosing waves is an instinct that the surfer has to
    develop by instinct.

  15. This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing

    Scientists and Surfers travel to Mexico to test technology in hope of
    improving athlete performance. The goal of the Red Bull Surf Science
    project is not to revolutionize the way we approach surfing, or even try to
    elevate it to next level, instead the objective is to further the
    technology that is being developed, and test it in the harshest conditions
    possible. If we can get this technology to work and produce credible
    results, we’ll be able to take key learnings and hopefully improve athlete
    performance, not only in the water but with other sports as well.

  16. I love how surfing has developed. Who needs purity anyway?

  17. Awesome new technology in the works that will give a ton of data and
    information for athletes and coaches, but is there the potential for too
    much information? Great for comps, but feels like it could take some of the
    improv and soul out of the sport.

  18. This test was filmed in a excellent place for surf in Mexico just at the
    spots of Punta Conejo y Las Salinas; SALINA CRUZ OAXACA- MEXICO!

  19. This sux so much. It’s so fucking lame to think that in 5-10 years you’ll
    go to paddle out for a relaxing surf and be surrounded by a bunch of rich
    douch-bags with computers on their backs and drone helicopters hovering
    overhead filming the whole abomination. GET FUCKED RED BULL.

  20. More like «when product designers go surfing»

  21. I got my first surfboard in ’59, and I gotta say, the sport has really
    progressed into an amazing thing to watch; we only had long boards so no
    one was doing acrobatics or spinning the board 360 ; I’m worried if I sat
    on a short board it would sink; the best surfers out there now, are the
    best surfers ever. Myself, I’m 67 and couldn’t stand on one of those things
    if my life depended upon it. But surfing is one of the greatest and most
    beautiful sports this side of Uranus. 

  22. One thing I like about surfing is the simplicity of it. It’s me, my board
    shorts, my board, and the ocean. Half the reason I go surf is to get away
    from all the technology. Away from my phone and computer, and other people.
    Plus I don’t want to go surfing looking like a fuckin android, sorry.

  23. Not sure it’s what surfing is about but it’s a great excuse to get some
    cool new toys for surfing

  24. Definitely going to do a project or something on this! Amazing!

  25. Stop it, just stop things like that. Go out and surf or do whatever you
    want to do, technology might be good in some points – but it’s too much.
    Saw an ad for a toothbrush with bluetooth for your smartphone, I mean –

  26. I have been brought up in a surfer family with surfing friends and aunties,
    teachers etc and my world, the one in which i grew up has barely anything
    to do with what it has become today. Surf has been capitalist and has been
    turned shallowishly into a stupid and hedonist trend. It used to be a
    fulfilling, peacefully and cheerfully way of life, and the people in sich
    world were adventurous but very warm and down earth people. Now everywhere
    i go , any beach, get to gether , surf pub the only thing u see are vain
    and self centered and shallow and cold. Thank u media and thank u
    quicksilver for ruining a chance to make a better world. Thanks for turning
    it all into another shitty capitalist and phony thing and adjusting it into
    the kind of world you praise. 

  27. Anayone else love the song?

  28. She says «like» and awful lot………..

  29. yes, we get it you’re hot but seriously this is pathetic, oohhh, let’s
    stare at the pretty couple and buy their stupid shit, commom people, we’re
    better than this.

  30. HE IS SO HOT

  31. I don’t understand why people are hating on Alana Blanchard! No she is not
    stuck up and bitchy! Shes very inspiring and I look up to her. If you don’t
    like her then stop watching the videos with her in it…come on guys get
    some brains. And to everyone who IS a fan of Alana I love you<3

  32. ok ok guys, this one is for you, and for the ones who liked the under water
    shots…..enjoy :)

  33. Boyfriend? My fantasy is ruined :<

  34. Surfing With Alana Blanchard & Her Boyfriend Jack

    #surfing #female #ocean #romance #sports 

  35. there’s always gotta be a boyfriend 

  36. C’mon get over it. Enjoy your life. The ocean is for every body.

  37. She’s so cocky and up her own ass I really don’t like Alana. Thinks she’s

  38. Just another bitch like any other bitch .. She dont know how to talk !
    Jesus !:/ 

  39. this was a snooze fest. the guy looks and acts like a bimbo. grow some
    balls and get your ho in line.

  40. which camera do you use for these underwater images?

  41. Whats the song at 1:09??????!!please help!

  42. barf….

  43. I maybe like only 3% of the girls in the world ! Fk idk why xD also 3% of
    the humans (: ..shity engilsh I know )(: 

  44. yewwwwwww

  45. Ken and Barbie : Barbies of the Sea

    Still cool that they are passionate about the same sports. Rock on!

  46. What happened to the good ole days when Alana Blanchard videos had no
    dudes, no talking and plenty of shots of her ass. 

  47. now i just need a surfer girlfriend

  48. Sausage free surfing videos only please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. she is tooo beautiful for him haha :)

  50. Why are you guys going crazy over one girl? There are plenty of fish in the

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