Terence McKenna – Surfing Finnegan's Wake

Recorded at The Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California in 1995.

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25 pensamientos en “Terence McKenna – Surfing Finnegan's Wake

  1. Whenever he takes a drink of water it makes me cringe. It seems like it’s a
    huge effort to just take a sip of water. Or maybe he does it on purpose. I
    still love the guy but, man it’s hella annoying when he takes a slug.

  2. riverrun past Eve and Adam from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us
    by a commodious vicus of recalculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.
    Here comes everyone . I think you have to have a knowledge of languages ,
    Latin and Greek and mythology, the Bible and loads of other stuff. But the
    beginning of the book kind of grabs your attention. Particularly that
    sentence starts with a lower case letter.

  3. If your an englishman the number one way to piss of an irishman is to call
    a succesfull irishman weather it be sportsman, writer etc english or
    british we fuckng HATE that over here. Personally i think its funny that
    people lay claim to the person in question as if we knew them hahaha

  4. Dropkick dose finnegans wake amazingly gotta love Irish punk especially
    traditional songs

  5. Of a «Living Yoga», Huxley spoke
    We’re born in death, it’s all a joke
    Our senses will fool us until we croak
    God stuck a stick in my bicycle spokes.

  6. Joyce wasn’t British or english or whatever the fuck. Irish and only

  7. He says British one time at the beginning. Then refers to Ireland the rest
    of the time.

  8. To Murkans like McKenna, «British» covers the English suburbs of Ireland,
    Scotland, Wales and surrounding spots like Guernsey. Whereas, I do add,
    normative education teaches you to focus, that doesn’t work with Finnegans
    Wake. Expanding the mind is required. Even FW’s title must be approached
    with caution, as it has no apostrophe. McKenna is such a great prof! A
    member of the great Irish diaspora, that seems to be Irish-izing the world
    to a fair degree (FW has just been translated into Chinese).

  9. The book plays tricks with your mind.

  10. British? He’s IRISH! He was born in Dublin; thus ‘Dubliners!’ His whole
    life ambition was to create a narrative or mythology for his country, free
    from romantic nationalistic notions. Has he been living under a rock?

  11. A Funferall.

  12. Very cool. Didn’t know Finnegan’s Wake was so damn deep lol 

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