Riding Giants [HQ] Full Movie

The «must watch» documentary for any surfer. detailing the origins and history of surf culture. IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0389326/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 If…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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23 pensamientos en “Riding Giants [HQ] Full Movie

  1. this shit make my heart pound….
    in a good way 😉 

  2. imagine if Laird and his wife’s roles were reversed. And she had the
    professional career. And he was putting on a sarcastic voice, and
    complaining about how hard it is if she didn’t have the one thing in her
    life that made her feel alive. Imagine the uproar from females

  3. That is my birthday February 10th 1960

  4. I still think that Greg Noll’s introspection which begins at 1:39:51 in
    this video is still the most powerful footage in this movie. It always
    hits me when his face slowly slouches and gets a bit more serious and

  5. This is not a documentary…this is poetry guys, pure poetry.

  6. I have been looking for this since I saw it on TV several years ago! So
    amazing! Thank you for sharing!

  7. This is the greatest surf film ever made. It’s very exciting and director
    Stacy Peralta nails it without spending too much time on any one item.

  8. Not only one of the best documentaries about surf, but one of the best
    documentaries ever.

  9. I want to know what the name of the song is 1:31:48-1:31:45 amazing

  10. 0:43:21 is that a shark in the wave

  11. What is the song in 1:22:36? Does anyone know?

  12. Thanks so much for posting. I love this documentary. Especially the big
    wave mavericks and the music. Wicked scenes!!

  13. Everyone legendary surfer, Ricky Grigg sadly passed away on on may 22nd of
    this year at age 77! Him and all the other surfers in this great
    documentary are the ones that made surfing how is it today! Btw thanks for
    uploading mavericks, one of my favorite surf movies!

  14. I saw this in theater in Berkeley upon original release and aside from The
    Full Monty (the crowd went nuts on opening night for that film), this was
    the single most joyous movie event I’ve ever gone to. I am so happy I got
    to see this on a movie screen. 

  15. Riding big waves is one thing…Riding big waves on 1960es. surfboards was
    another. If you were real lucky you had a Dick Brewer gun to ride.

  16. Awesome movie! One of the best surf films of all time

  17. Thank you for bringing such great surfing movies to youtube for FREE! I
    love Chasing Mavericks

  18. My favorite surf documentary ever! 

  19. *Riding Giants*

    A must see surf documentary

  20. amazing movie. awesome insight and information into the history of surfing
    and its pioneers, but also philosophical, spiritual, and question raising
    at the same time. watch this movie!!!

  21. *Riding Giants*

    A must see surf documentary

  22. Can anybody identify the music at 42:30?

  23. song at 51:30?

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