Bodyboard vs Surf – Red Bull Tow Out Session

For more Surfing paddle over to Bodyboard vs Surf. This is the motivation behind the Red Bull Tow Out Session where Hugo Pinheiro and V…
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24 pensamientos en “Bodyboard vs Surf – Red Bull Tow Out Session

  1. i’ve seen insane airs from professional bodyboarders before, but this was

  2. Bodyboarding is awesome and I like it better but surfings wicked as well

  3. There both enjoying the same waves. Both win!

  4. What a friggin lame video. Jetski for sure scores that round. Boring.

  5. Ahah the bodyboarder is gonna win when you’re getting whipped into a heavy
    closeout every time, but who cares? They’re both sick sports and haters
    from both sides can fuck offf

  6. jet ski wins that 1

  7. bodyboarder is way better gets way better air

  8. bodyboarding is way better the surfer in this video bailed out on like all
    the waves so the bodyboarder was better in this and bodyboarding is better!

  9. both are excellent water sports to get into i personally prefer surfing

  10. Jet skiing is more impressive :)

  11. the bodyboarder looks hilarious. It looks like someone took a frog and
    threw it in the air

  12. The stigma needs to stop seriously. Surfers can do things bodyboarders
    cannot and vice versa

  13. bodyboarding has way cooler tricks than surfing just admit it guys

  14. Why can’t we be friends

  15. Jetski wins :)

  16. what did they write on the car at the end?

  17. I’m a surfer, but the body boarder ruled that one. Huge airs.

  18. they should’ve picked clay marzo, but he doesn’t ride for red bull.

  19. bodyboard win

  20. hahaha isn’t it funny how all the aggressive comments are from stand-ups :p
    cant we all just live in peace

  21. Bodyboard is such a stylish and beautiful sport…

  22. sufers still get more pussy

  23. bodyboard , very good !

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