Urban Surfing down streets of San Francisco! – Bear Naked!

Urban Surfing down streets of San Francisco! - Bear Naked!

Watch the behind the scenes in the link below! http://youtu.be/BPolLeKDpec Super thanks to Bear Naked Granola for making this video happen! http://www.bearna…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 pensamientos en “Urban Surfing down streets of San Francisco! – Bear Naked!

  1. Disliked. They seems overreacting, overly happy. I bet it wasn’t that fun,
    but the company asked them to laugh like retards all the time as if eating
    some Bear Naked shit makes it even more fun …. lol 

  2. Does anyone else think …. «My life is shit»…. after watching these
    videos? lol

  3. I want my job to be «get paid to go around the world and film yourself and
    others doing awesome stuff». How do I do that?

  4. Maybe these idiots didn’t realize that California’s in its worst drought in
    history. smdh

  5. At first I thought, I wondered how I could have miss out on this? Then I
    remembered we’re in a horrible drought. I’m over here trying to cut my
    water usage by 20% and these guys are pissing it away. Pretty irresponsible

  6. Steve McQueen would have approved of this.

  7. Amazeballs!

  8. meanwhile, people in africa diyin’ for need of water

  9. Who’s down for a little slip~n~slide down the streets of San Francisco
    again this summer?!?

  10. Hello everyone I recently just got rid of my wifi and am new to having fun.
    What materials are used to make the giant slip and slide?

  11. y siguen gastando agua al pedo….

  12. Who else noticed th girl at 1:19 fall an hit her head on the side xD LOL

  13. Je suis le seul a avoir spammé la touche 6 du pavé numérique ?

  14. Wished it was everyday fun like this.. :/

  15. Dévaler les rues de San Francisco sur un tobogan géant, ya que les USA pour
    faire ça… TOP !

    (vidéo sponsorisée par Bear Naked, une marque de biscuit ?)

  16. Best advertising ever, I went shopping right after I seen this and bought a
    bag of Chocolate Elation and here about three months latter here I am with
    about 1/4 bag left and watching this. Dude I love your channel!!

  17. We were going to do this in la the month after they did this but they
    figured the drought is only going to get worse and summer always means
    fireseason ;I so they stopped it

  18. thats a big waste of water

  19. after watching this my life isn’t the same..


  21. wow>>(Y)…I Liked!!

  22. Big waste of water we are in a huge drought

  23. me gustan sus vídeos pero este es la excepción, creo que esta mal ya que
    hay personas que se están muriendo de sed y ellos desperdician el agua

  24. This is so

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