LA Week 2! Moving To LA, Learning to Surf & THAT Guy

Hi loves! So today I’m going to be showing you my second week in la, plus answering some questions from instagram! My dress winners from Twitter & Instagram will be announced in my next video!…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

We had an epic week of all time Mentawai Islands surf here at Macaronis Resort in the Southern Mentawai Islands. Adriano De Souza, Miguel Pupo, Jean Da Silva…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 pensamientos en “LA Week 2! Moving To LA, Learning to Surf & THAT Guy

  1. You are so relatable. I really look up to you even though I’m just a few
    years older than you. You have so much wisdom and you’re extremely
    respectable. Love you so much! Xoxo 

  2. I have been here for years and you were the first youtuber I ever watched.
    Big hugs to you Molly and Mia xo So glad you are happy and I am so glad I
    watch grow up and make mistakes because you have influenced me xoxo

  3. i recently moved from Ohio to California for college, I go to Chapman
    university! I think you will love it! it is defiantly a big change and i’m
    still adjusting but what is life without taking a chance! (:

  4. I love what you said about learning from every situation! I’ve now started
    this year trying to see the positive in negative situations.

  5. I love you & your videos so much Megan! You always manage to make me smile
    and I love everything you have to say 🙂 you help me a lot!! Love you

  6. you’re still as down to earth as you always were!
    Keep doin’ you girl! x 

  7. Can you please do a video about getting in shape or being healthier after
    you see results in yourself??

  8. Hiiii
    I’m from Australia, you should visit.
    Best time would be during the months of December, January, February because
    that’s our summer time. I like seeing different places all over the world
    via YouTube so thanks for the video! XO

  9. LA looks amazing! I’d love to travel there someday 🙂 

  10. Megan, the other day I had a notification on my instagram and I saw that
    you liked a pic of mine! For a minute I was like… Is this for real? lol
    That was really nice of you :)

  11. yasss do more vlogs meg! i love them.

  12. Megan you seriously are an incredible person. I have been watching you
    since you were meganlovesmakeup! Growing up at the same time as you, just
    different part of the country, has given me such a great outlook on
    different situations and you’re an amazing role model 🙂 <3

  13. My question was why do bad things happen to good people and wow, you
    answered it perfectly. I knew you’d be the right person to ask. I really
    needed that because I’m going through a lot in my life. Thank you Megan.
    You are truly an inspiration to me and I love all your videos! 

  14. are you not finishing college since you’re moving to LA?

  15. Your backgrounds are always so pretty!

  16. How do you buy views?

  17. I’ve watched you for a few years now and your videos haven’t changed and I
    love that about you. You’ve always been 100% you and have stayed true to
    that. I really respect you for always being real with us. (:

  18. You are such an inspiring person Megan. I think we’re the same age, and
    it’s amazing how mature you are and your positive outlook on life. I Love
    ur makeup and hair in this and your eyes look so pretty and bright here.

  19. I absolutely love the fact you have not gone into the ‘money making’ side
    of YouTube. You can really tell by the way to talk, the videos you upload
    and how much you share with us that, that really isn’t what you are on
    here for, and that is so bloody reliving! I am one of your older viewers
    (20) and i’m so tired of seeing (what comes arose as fake) videos trying to
    take advantage of the more younger naive viewers on YouTube. I have grown
    up watching your videos (from when you first made this channel, and the
    video where you confirmed you had the previous deleted channel) and it’s so
    lovely to see how both you and I have grown and matured over the years.
    I can honestly say you are the only YouTuber who I have contuniously
    watched over the years and have not unsubscribed from. I wish you all the
    best on moving to LA and hope you continue to grow and find even more
    happiness. Lots of love from London, Abbie.

  20. Australia is amazing as long as you go to the right place in the right time

  21. If you are looking into getting healthier you should totally watch Dr
    McDougall videos! Good luck :)

  22. good luck on your move to LA, hope you have a blast… can already tell
    great things are gonna happen for you!! you rockkkk!

  23. Can you make a video of how you take pictures of you like the ones you post
    on Instagram

  24. So cool that you’ll be in LA permanently!! I lived there for a few months
    and you’ll totally love it!! When I’m done with school I can definitely see
    myself moving there or NYC (: Can’t wait to see more of your videos from
    there! <33 

  25. Hi everyone! I am currently trying to build my channel, so if you happen to
    be into beauty gurus and all that jazz stop by my channel! I promise you
    wont be disappointed!

  26. 0:46 why paddle even a bit harder matters: imagine paddling slower, this
    surfer would be throw off the lip.

  27. so im the only one who doesnt like this song?

  28. the song on this video is freakin’ cool!!

  29. *Apropos of Nothing: surfing Mentawai Islands, Western Sumatra, Indonesia*

  30. Awesome footage

  31. surf hawwai instagram paultxitu

  32. Dig the retro jazz music!

  33. great surf concoction of sights and sound – excellent editing!

  34. Wow, incredible barrels 🙂 

  35. I wanna go!

  36. great editing and aweseome musis…. trackID ?

  37. Holy crap. I want to go here. 

  38. That was a SICK video and I liked the music track too!! Lookin forward to
    the Mentawiiiii

  39. omg perfect wave

  40. All the Glory at 3:56 😀
    Fucking awesome!!!

  41. Sic, sic, sic, and then even siccer than I could possibly imagine. Sic!

  42. That transition at :43 is one of the coolest I’ve ever seen. Nicely done!

  43. c’est quoi la musique svp 🙂 ?

  44. awesome waves, that long left barrel was amazing. Thought the music got
    fairly annoying by the end tho

  45. #Mentawai Island

  46. awesome ….i want some like those …

  47. Great place, great barrels,,, great surfers too…. wanna go there a.s.a.p

  48. Wish I was there

  49. Majestic

  50. when waves are that perfect, it`s easy to look good….come try and look
    good surfing Florida breaks

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